Sep 6, 2024
Join us on 12 September for the training event of the Belgian case study of the FAIRCHAIN project!
Over the past few years, the FAIRCHAIN initiative has focused on revolutionizing food value chains with the development of an aseptic packaging machine tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This innovative machine helps food producers package liquid and viscous products more efficiently, reducing costs and extending shelf life while maintaining high product quality.
Why attend?
- Discover new innovations: Learn about the latest advancements in packaging and aseptic technology, designed to make your production processes more efficient and cost-effective.
- Network with industry leaders: Meet food producers, packaging experts, researchers, and machine builders from across the sector.
- Collaborate and share: Participate in a co-creation workshop, where you can share your needs and challenges to help shape future innovations in the food packaging industry.
Programme highlights:
- Presentations on hygienic design, air purification, aseptic filling, and sustainable food packaging.
- Interactive co-creation workshop to discuss the new innovations but also the needs and challenges of the different actors.
- Networking event with drinks, offering the chance to connect with key stakeholders.
Aug 6, 2024
The FAIRCHAIN project has been working on innovations and development of the value chain for wild berries. Bjurholmmunicipality in Sweden has been a pilot municipality to test the concept BäriBygden. Now we want to share our experiences and invite project partners, representatives from other municipalities and other stakeholders to a weekend dedicated to wild berries on Friday, 23 August and Saturday, 24 August in Bjurholm. Join us for the whole trip or choose the part you are most interested in! We will show the physical value chain and the app Bärräkna, talk about the business model and open for discussions on how this can be applied elsewhere.
Jul 8, 2024
Two training sessions related to the case study ‘Innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of cheese manufacturing ‘ and open to the public will be held in Poligny (Jura, France) in September!
Please note that the training sessions will be delivered exclusively in French.
Réemploi de bouteilles consignées – 17 September 2024 – Maison du Comte
- Comprendre les différentes typologies de réemploi, et connaître le contexte (acteurs, règlementations) aux niveaux régional et national
- Partager l’expérience d’acteurs impliqués dans les différentes étapes du réemploi
- Découvrir un outil d’aide à la conception de scénarios de réemploi basé sur des critères environnementaux en cours de développement dans le cadre de FAIRCHAIN
- Partager les acquis du projet FAIRCHAIN : A quoi une PME doit être attentive pour se lancer dans le réemploi ?
Production de boissons fermentées – 18 September 2024 – Maison du Comte
- Comprendre le procédé de production du lactosérum en boissons fermentées
- Bénéficier de conseils pour mettre en place le procédé
- Discuter collectivement des améliorations possibles du procédé et de sa mise en oeuvre pour assurer son adoption et sa réplicabilité
- Obtenir une vision complète des réalisations du c as d’études français et des recommandations apportées
- Evaluer les innovations et le processus de co création mis en place pour les développer