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Project overview
There’s a pressing need to transform existing food systems to address economic, social, environmental and health-related issues.
To address the shortcomings of long and short food value chains while capitalising on their advantages, FAIRCHAIN will focus on the development of intermediate food value chains.
This model displays characteristics of both short value chains (relocation and proximity between operators; shared social values and search for social cohesion; higher quality products) and long value chains (presence of several intermediaries; larger production volumes; improved logistics and distribution).
Our project is an Innovation Action funded by the Horizon 2020 framework programme that will run between November 2020 through to October 2024.
FARCHAIN is one of the three project selected within the RUR-06-2020 call (“Innovative agri-food value chains: boosting sustainability-oriented competitiveness” topic, “Empowerment of rural areas, support to policies and rural innovation” part of the work programme).
The total budget for the project is 8.036M EUR, with the European Union contributing 6.996M EUR.

FAIRCHAIN project overview
Case studies (6)
Challenge & objectives
FAIRCHAIN seeks to enable small and mid-size farmers and food producers to scale up and expand production of nutritious food through competitive intermediate value chains at the local and regional levels.
Test, pilot and demonstrate technological, organisational, social innovations that have the potential to facilitate the aforementioned objective, delivering a set of proven innovations (TRL7).
Develop business models associated to these innovations and carry out environmental, economic and social impact assessment.
Formulate recommendations and produce tools and guidance documents to ensure uptake and replicability of value chains developed within FAIRCHAIN.
Our case studies
The six case studies represent a value chain in the fruit, vegetable or dairy sectors involving small and mid-sized actors facing an unsatisfactory situation. FAIRCHAIN will pilot, test and demonstrate technological, social and/or organisational innovations with the potential to bridge existing gaps.
Co-product valorisation and generation of additional added value for SMEs and regional stakeholders
Production of innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of cheese manufacturing
Developing wild berry business to boost local economy and social cohesion
Innovative packaging machine for small and mid-sized actors
Traceability and reliable information sharing in local dairy production
Food innovation incubator
Case Studies
Innovations Tested
Partners Involved
Countries Represented
News, Events & Publications

The FAIRCHAIN project showcases innovative foods at its Final Event
After four years of work on developing competitive intermediate food value chain alternatives, the partners of the FAIRCHAIN project held a...

12 September | Kortrijk, Belgium | Innovative Packaging Machine for Small and Mid-Sized Actors
Join us on 12 September for the training event of the Belgian case study of the FAIRCHAIN project! Over the past few years, the FAIRCHAIN...

23-24 August | Bjurholm, Sweden | Fair and sustainable intermediate value chain for wild berries
The FAIRCHAIN project has been working on innovations and development of the value chain for wild berries. Bjurholmmunicipality in Sweden has...