The first FAIRCHAIN general assembly was held at INRAE headquarters in Paris from 23 to 25th November 2021. During the meeting project partners provided an overview of the key achievements during this first year, points of improvement were discussed, and plans were made for the work process in the coming year, with particular attention on collaboration and cross-fertilization between case studies.
Overall the first year of the project was rich and stimulating. FAIRCHAIN partners developed technological and organisational innovations with special focus (but not only) on: a flexible filling machine, new whey-based drinks, blockchain technology and ‘zero waste’ distribution modes. The co-creation process started with assessment of current value chains and involved stakeholders in Goal-defining workshops. Working groups with other European projects and European bodies’ meetings contributed to sharing work on sustainable food systems. Soon, in collaboration with the CO-FRESH project, the updated “Sustainable Food System Innovation platform” will be launched!