17-18 September | Poligny, France | Innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of cheese manufacturing

17-18 September | Poligny, France | Innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of cheese manufacturing

Two training sessions related to the case study ‘Innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of cheese manufacturing ‘ and open to the public will be held in Poligny (Jura, France) in September!

Please note that the training sessions will be delivered exclusively in French.


  • Réemploi de bouteilles consignées – 17 September 2024 – Maison du Comte
    • Comprendre les différentes typologies de réemploi, et connaître le contexte (acteurs, règlementations) aux niveaux régional et national
    • Partager l’expérience d’acteurs impliqués dans les différentes étapes du réemploi
    • Découvrir un outil d’aide à la conception de scénarios de réemploi basé sur des critères environnementaux en cours de développement dans le cadre de FAIRCHAIN
    • Partager les acquis du projet FAIRCHAIN : A quoi une PME doit être attentive pour se lancer dans le réemploi ?
  • Production de boissons fermentées – 18 September 2024 – Maison du Comte
    • Comprendre le procédé de production du lactosérum en boissons fermentées
    • Bénéficier de conseils pour mettre en place le procédé
    • Discuter collectivement des améliorations possibles du procédé et de sa mise en oeuvre pour assurer son adoption et sa réplicabilité
    • Obtenir une vision complète des réalisations du c as d’études français et des recommandations apportées
    • Evaluer les innovations et le processus de co création mis en place pour les développer


13 June  | Graz, Austria | Food Innovation Incubator

13 June | Graz, Austria | Food Innovation Incubator

The Demonstration Day of the Austrian Case Study was carried out on the 13 June 2024. The aim was to give those who are interested in replicating the Food Innovation Incubator insights and a deeper understanding of the Incubator by sharing knowledge, experiences, and results.

Practitioners, potential customers as well as network partners were also invited to participate in workshops to learn about the results and the performance of the incubator as well as future potentials for cooperation.

The morning session was centered around the topic “From the idea to the product”. The aim was to provide participants with basic knowledge about product development to ensure a general understanding of the Food Innovation Incubator. Visitors were guided through the laboratory, learning about regional consumption, product development, hygiene and plant construction.

In the afternoon, the focus was placed on the Food Innovation Incubator itself. The model and structure were presented and experiences of the last four years were shared. Two reports from partners participating in the Food Innovation Incubator were presented, showing the potential of the Food Innovation Incubator for the regional food sector.

The event was completed by a panel discussion on the topic of “Innovative food in Styria from a practical perspective”.

An interesting and fruitful follow-up event was an exchange with network partners from the Swiss Case Study, who are interested in our Food Innovation Incubator program, progress and experiences.



FF4US has started!

FF4US has started!

The FoodFactory-4-Us international student competition has started! Eight teams have been selected and are currently working on projects around the topic ‘Upscale or downscale a food supply chain to a national or regional level‘.

The  competing teams are developing the following projects:

  1. Barley Bakes – Curation and development of a barley brownie to meet the nutritional needs of 2-15 year olds
  2. Apple Link –  From private gardens to good use – or better yet, juice!
  3. Dabagira – Production of composite flour of selected food as a way of improving food supply chain that result the reduction of malnutrition and stunting
  4. SLSU-Pud Tek – Scaling Up Halang-halang processing in Southern Leyte, Philippines
  5. PAFT de SLSYou – Upscaling of Hilongos’ Native Kakanin: Preserving Tradition in Modern Times
  6. Baker team – Cookies and pastries for special dietary uses made with resistant starch as an ideal fiber source
  7. HighFig – Overcoming the Distribution Maze: A Roadmap to Tackle Logistics Challenges in Bursa Black Fig Distribution

Visit the competition website to get the detailed activity calendar and view session recordings.

The Food Innovation Incubator was presented at a workshop co-organised by CO-FRESH and FOODRUS

The Food Innovation Incubator was presented at a workshop co-organised by CO-FRESH and FOODRUS

This  week, FAIRCHAIN participated in the Innovations in Agri-Food workshop organised by the CO-FRESH and FOODRUS projects in Nitra, Slovakia.

Hartmut Derler (FH JOANNEUM) shared the findings of the Food Innovation Incubator case study with presentations on ‘Consulting, networking and prototyping of products, processes and technologies’ and ‘Collaboration with practice: Findings from the project FAIRCHAIN.’

FAIRCHAIN and its sister projects share cooperation best practices

FAIRCHAIN and its sister projects share cooperation best practices

On 26 October, FAIRCHAIN and four other projects funded on the RUR 06 2020 and RUR 07 2020 calls – PLOUTOS, LOWINFOOD, CO-FRESH, FOODRUS – held a workshop in Brussels in the presence of EC project officers to discuss best practices in cooperation that can be useful to other research projects. These include common tools and processes for information sharing, thematic working groups and joint dissemination actions. A report summarising the main taking from the event is available.

FoodFactory-4-Us Competition 2023 – FINAL CONFERENCE

FoodFactory-4-Us Competition 2023 – FINAL CONFERENCE

The 2023 FoodFactory-4-Us competition on “Increasing innovation in existing short food supply chains (SFSC) to make them stronger and more competitive” is ending soon. Four teams are vying for first place and the coveted prize of attendance at the Sep 2023 Food Hack organized by FAIRCHAIN partner RISE in Umea Sweden.

The Final Conference, where teams present their projects and the winner is decided, will take place online on 1 June 2023 from 13h to 15h. Register here and don’t miss this exciting event!